dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Plaintouched Wet & Wilds! Summerfest Dimension Scavenger Hunt

What better way to end weeks of mindlessly searching for stuff than to have one last event where you....have to search for stuff. *insert maniacal laughter*

I've meticulously placed the max unique item count of artifacts around Shal Korva and will be rewarding those with the skill (and patience) to find them. That's right, there's LOOT!

1st place- 2 summerfest dimension grab bags
2nd place-1 summerfest dimension grab bag
3rd place-You get to watch 1st and 2nd open their summerfest grab bags. Ok, and maybe you get a fish or bird too.

*There will be TWO rounds:

-Round one requires the use of Jete's Bouncemaster 5000. It's a PTW dimension, c'mon, go with it.

-Round two is for those who don't have the Bouncemaster 5000 (or don't want to use it)

--Each round will last 20 minutes. I will give raid warnings periodically to alert contestants of time remaining.

**Event will begin at 7pm/7:30pm Server time NA, Wednesday 8/3/2016**

***Event is open to EU players as well. They need to participate on NA but I will happily provide contest winnings on their home servers***

Participants in round one will not be allowed to remove their bouncemaster buff at any point during the competition. At approximately the half way mark, I will call for a rebuff-and I will check so don't try and be sneaky. Participants in round two will not be allowed to use the bouncemaster buff yadayada. Basically, don't cheat. In the event of a tie I'm not sure what I will do yet but I still have 3 more days to figure it out. If there is some how magically enough interest in this scavenger hunt, I will hold a third round. Anyone who has participated in a previous round will not be allowed to join another cuz, y'know, fairness. I think that pretty much covers it. If not, leave me a message or comment and I will adjust this post accordingly. I can't believe you're still reading....I'm done now.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Plaintouched Wet & Wilds! Summerfest Dimension Scavenger Hunt

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