I've been doing quite some Rift PvP lately and realized that there is no amusing content for super late game PvP.
My main is 1600hit full t3/t4 geared warrior and I also have 5% 3-set PvP bonus completed but there is absolutely no fun in doing current ''end-game'' PvP for me. I got all bis gear from Raids and bought 3-set PvP bonus from store as well which means I don't need favor anymore and that makes WFs and CQ even less interesting for me.
I was thinking a lot what could be done that would make end-game PvP interesting for me. To find answer to that question I had to first ask myself what I don't like about it ATM. Here are few things that bother me about current WFs and CQ:
-Random matchmaking (600hit guys playing with 1600hit guys) even in ''premade'' groups.
-Theres 2 much chaos in most WFs and most people don't know how to react to such chaos.
-15 people in raid in WFs make no sense since 1 guy(me) represents only 7% of the group and its really hard to carry whole team)
-after 3-set PvP bonus there are no more rewards to earn.
-CQ used to be fun with many 20-man premades but with 5-man groups there is no fun in it anymore.
Lets talk about the solutions now:
I know that rift doesn't have same population as other MMORPG do (WoW) and with smaller community it is really hard to make balanced/good matchmaking system that would have short queue and make people happy. With this said it's clear that finding solution for WFs/CQ is not as easy as it seems.
I was thinking what else could be done that would make Rift PvP interesting and best idea that came to my mind was implementation of 1v1 arena. Here are some benefits of 1v1 arena compared to current WFs/CQ:
-faster queue (requires only 1 other person)
-easy matchmaking: only needed to match 2 people with similar win/lose ratio
-no need to carry team: every guy is on his own and only dependant on his personal skill/gear/knowledge
-simple objective: whoever dies first looses
-win/lose ratio actually means something (compared to current elo from WFs)
I came up with this idea because the ONLY this that I enjoy in Rift PvP atm is dueling people with similar skill/gear and I can tell you it's 100x more fun than doing WFs/CQ even tho there is no reward for doing it. Most of the time when I'm bored I log in and check TB if there are some people that wanna duel and there are always few guys ready for it.
If there was an option to do 1v1 arena I'd surely be doing it and I think I'm not the only one that would like it.
Here is the idea how 1v1 arena would look like:
-1v1 arena should be a 3min deathmatch and whoever dies first looses but if no one dies in 3min the result in a TIE and there would be a lot of ties because of many Tank/Healing specs. All specs allowed.
-Rewards should have similar favor per hour rate as WFs/CQ.
-There should be leaderboard that shows people with highest % win ratio and most wins leaderboard that reset every few weeks which would allow people to improve on those leaderboards with each reset. While still having all-time results on different tab/leaderboard.
-Matchmaking system for 1v1 arena should be trying to match people with similar win/lose ratio where ties don't matter. And matchmaking should only include current rests win/lose ratio.
-There should be rewards at the reset based on how high on leaderboards someone was at reset.
-There should be an option for class-specific (only Warrior vs Warrior etc.) and also all-class 1v1 arena. It would prevent class imbalance and frustration that is causes.
This is best solution I managed to come up with that would make PvP in this game interesting for me and I hope I'm not the only one. Let me know what you guys think about this idea and if you would like it more than current random WFs/CQ.
Rift PvP endgame solution: 1v1 arena
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