dimanche 26 juin 2016

@Devs @Ocho @Brasse

Can we please get the ability to kick from WF's - we have sunk to new lows in afker's, and now trolls that actively work against the team they are on.


There is a well known player that will immediately upon a wf commencing start trolling all the players on their own team via wf chat while he stands afk .... What ensues is almost always much typing and a sure loss.

There is another player that does virtually zero dps in every wf and stands afk running a mark clearing macro so all marks other than green +'s are insta cleared.

Now I think for the most part - most people that PVP most of the time in this game have come to accept that we need to carry most teams we are on.

That said I find it objectionable that when we have people on our team actively sabotaging our chances to win ... a sin of commission instead of the typical sin of omission of your average afker - we have NO RECOURSE and still need to carry these people to wins.

We need an option to either kick them - stop them - or exit the wf w/o penalty. Its annoying to help these losers get their weeklies

Edit yes yes - If I dont need the win just kills I will play for kills in lieu of the win but that helps them if they need kills as well so there is no getting arround it.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

@Devs @Ocho @Brasse

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