Quick heads up on two RIFT exciting adventures. Well: Three if you haven't stopped by.
Friendly, helpful chill out zone with fellow RIFT players while you are in game or not! Stay up to date, share your builds/guides/knowledge & ask ALL the RIFT questions. Enter regular themed screenshot contests for 5th Anniversary Racing Snail & 30 Days Patron.Current contest being your fave RIFT subject - DIMENSIONS!
**NEW** Discord Dimension Exchange (NA)
To support our Discord Community members I have set up a public dimension for you to browse & if there is anything in there you are after be prepared to exchange something/s of equal olala value!
- What Dimension? "Discord Dim Exchange" Kiwimidget@Greybriar
- How to exchange? PM me or @Kiwi me in the Dimension Channel on Discord. Please only do so if you participate in Discord & already have item/s in mind you want to exchange. I'll get back to you asap.
This exchange project is just beginning & more items will be added over time.
Will update this thread with exchange & contest updates.
Have any RIFT questions, need a hand connecting to Discord?
Happy to help.
RIFT Community Discord Dimension Item Exchange.
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