samedi 4 juin 2016

Hailol Semicasual raiding guild looking to build community and roster.

A little backstory: I used to be a pretty serious hardcore raider in WoW back when I still had time for it and the game was still good. I played some Rift here and there but until now I've never really had the time to really dig into it. Now, a few IRL friends and I want to get into the game and be able to raid on terms which work with our lives now that we're in college. So we're forming a new guild to accommodate this, and we're looking for like-minded players to join us on our quest to kill bosses without flunking out of school.

So what are we looking for? What do I mean when I say "semi-casual?" I mean this in 2 ways:

-Experience/ability: Right from the start, we're a guild with a pretty wide range of experience in MMO raiding. I was once in a top 200 raiding guild in WoW, meanwhile my friends have never really touched an MMO endgame. Since we need to slowly build up our roster anyway before we can start raiding consistently, there is plenty of time for less experienced players to learn and get their feet wet. Once we start raiding, we don't expect everyone to be perfect, we aren't shooting for server firsts after all, but we do expect people to try and improve. If you're regularly holding the group back to the point where we aren't having fun, we may consider replacing you, but I would rather that be the rare exception rather than the rule.

-Availability: We are going to have scheduled raid times at some point. (I'll discuss likely raid times later in the post.) It's just a matter of fact that you can't run a raid guild without some expectation of consistent raid times. We do want to be flexible/forgiving/understanding in terms of attendance. Like I said, several of us are college students. So we aren't going to get mad or kick you if you have things come up. That said, if you're going to be missing a lot, we will need to plan some backup so we aren't constantly PuGing.

Expected times: We can't give concrete times yet until we have more of an idea of what the group's availability looks like. However, just to give you an idea of what times might be reasonable:
-We all live on the US East Coast, so expect times centered round EST.
-There will probably be at least one raid on Friday/The Weekend since those are usually the days with the fewest conflicts.
-We will probably raid 2 times per week, at most 3 if we think we can handle the schedule.
-The latest a raid time can end would be midnight EST except maybe on a weekend. During the week people need to get up to go do things, so we can't let the raid get in the way of getting sleep.
-In my experience, raid nights that last for fewer than 3 hours are often pointless. With all the time it takes to set up, clear trash, deal with unexpected hamster deaths, etc, there isn't much time to actually sink your teeth into any bosses. So our raid nights, especially if we only raid twice a week, will probably be around 3-4 hours. (So assuming a cutoff at 12 EST, it could start as early as 8pm EST.

Besides that, we're just looking for some friendly people to play the game with! I'm hoping that the guild will feel like a community of people who will want to play Rift or other games on off nights, or just chat.

If you're interested in joining, either send me an email at:
or send me a PM either on the site or in game. (My in game characters are: Darthunter (Main, lv 65 Rogue) and Gaphmoike (Alt I'm leveling with a friend. lv 45 Cleric)

In the message, include information such as:
-Contact info
-Time zone and expected availability. (Can be general. Ex: "Only available on weekends." or "Good most nights after 7pm" etc.)
-Character(s) you plan to play. (Class, Role, if maxed or still leveling.)
-Experience in Rift or similar games. (WoW, Wildstar, FFXIV, etc.)
-If you intend to raid at some point or if you just want to be a part of the community.
-Something about yourself. What kinds of games do you like? Other hobbies? Sense of humor? Etc.

No pressure. This isn't an application, I just want to get an idea of who is joining.

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Hailol Semicasual raiding guild looking to build community and roster.

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