samedi 4 juin 2016

State of Runeshaper

So Runeshaper has been out a few weeks now.

At first it was fun to play a different spec, a little variation and the fun in learning a new spec made Runeshaper an enjoyable experience (for me at least).

Now that the honeymoon period is over it is time to take a closer look at how Runeshaper performs in actual raid content.

It is the highest parsing spec, and on some fights it beats Shaman.
And while this is all well and good, it is still behind both Rogue and Primalist even on those fights.

I don't play DPS much in 10 mans, the curse of having up-to-date tanking gear.
But my experience is that Runeshaper just don't measure up to other dps specs in CoA.
The pure damage is good enough, but with the mobility, target swapping and cleave/aoe required in CoA, it just falls behind.

This impression is further enhanced by looking at Prancing Turtle. Runeshaper is just not used much on the first 3 bosses. I know not all guilds upload to Prancing, and even when they do upload Runeshaper does not always show up. But looking through the fastest kills shows no Runeshapers of note.

Now there can be many explanations for why this is. There are limits to how many clerics you can bring in a 10 man, and most guilds still use a purifier, some guilds use Cleric tanks, and some guilds even use Defiler on certain encounters. Some people have not bought the new souls, and some people don't enjoy/know how to play them.

My impression is that currently Runeshaper is less wanted in CoA then most other top DPS specs. Even Mages and Warriors seem to beat us with their old souls.

The limitations in the soul are so big that the soul never seem to manage full dps on challenging content.

It is still very good on certain fights in other raids, and also very useful on Lord Fionn. But is that all we can expect from the new paid soul when Primalists and Rogues both preform so much better on so many fights?

This is just my impression of the current state of Runeshaper, but I would like to hear other peoples experience with it so far.

So what do you all think about it?

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State of Runeshaper

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