Level 64 - Ethereal Strikes
Your damaging attacks deal an additional 7% "Ethereal" damage. Does not affect damage over time effects.
E.g. You hit a boss for 14,725 with your Shock Pulse (My Stats with no BUFFS or anything) and your Shock Pulse is actually an "average" of 16,880 on its full tool-tip damage. If the calculations for Ethereal Strikes damage were done before armor/resist were factored then you should expect 1,181.6 on your "Ethereal" Strikes damage, but instead you're handed 1,030 which is 7% from 14,725.
Here's the SECOND problem. How do you expect 3 GCDs of 1,030 or even 1,181.6 to compete against Deliberate Strikes's 4212 (My Stats) which pops at 3 stacks? That's roughly pitting;
Ethereal Strikes:
- [ 14,725 x 3 ] + [ 1,030 x 3 ] = [ 44,175 ] + [ 3,090 ]
Deliberate Strikes:
- [ 14,725 x 3 ] + [ 4,212 x 3 ] = [ 44,175 ] + [ 12,636 ]
You would need to at least increase Ethereal Strikes to 28.5% instead of 7% for it to be competitive OR 25% if you want to actually go through with making sense out of it being "Ethereal" type by calculating Ethereal Strikes damage before armor/resist stats.
Level 64 - Steady Strikes
Damage is increased by 7% but reduces your chance to crit by 4%.
The following is using 1 GCD as an example, the figures below are my stats;
Shock Pulse (NON-CRIT): 14,725 Shock Pulse (CRIT): 27,977.5 = 14,725 * 1.9 (1.9 is CP Cap without including Talent Bypass) Building Rage (NON-CRIT): 4,212 Building Rage (CRIT): 8002.8 = 4,212 * 1.9 (1.9 is CP Cap without including Talent Bypass) Steady Strikes Critical Hit Penalty = 0.04 Steady Strikes Multiplier = 1.07 Ethereal Strikes Multiplier = 1.07 My Character's Physical Crit = 0.43 TOTAL DAMAGE = [ (Critical Hit Chance * Average Critical Hit Damage) + ((1 - Critical Hit Chance) * Average NON-Critical Hit Damage) ]
TOTAL DAMAGE = [ ( (Physical Crit - Steady Strikes Critical Hit Penalty) * Shock Pulse CRIT) + ((1 - (Physical Crit - Steady Strikes Critical Hit Penalty) ) * Shock Pulse NON-CRIT) ] * Steady Strikes Multiplier = 21,331.39
TOTAL DAMAGE = [ (Physical Crit * (Shock Pulse CRIT + [ Shock Pulse CRIT * -(1 - Ethereal Strikes Multiplier) ] ) ) + ((1 - Physical Crit) * (Shock Pulse NON-CRIT + [ Shock Pulse NON-CRIT * -(1 - Ethereal Strikes Multiplier) ] ) ) ] = 21,898.60
TOTAL DAMAGE = [ (Physical Crit * (Shock Pulse CRIT + Building Rage CRIT) ) + ((1 - Physical Crit) * (Shock Pulse NON-CRIT + Building Rage NON-CRIT) ) ] = 26,320.16
Level 65 - Power Variation
Channels 31,688 Ethereal damage over 3s to the target and up to 7 other enemies within 7 meters of the target. Can move while channeling.
Restores health to the ally equal to 50% of the Warrior's Maximum Health each second. Lasts 3s. Can move while channeling.
TL;DR #1: Deliberate Strikes is either too strong or the other 64 Masteries (except Precision Strike) is "way too weak". Considering the DPS state of Warriors relative to other classes (Assuming I can trust the numbers that people have put forth), normalising Deliberate Strikes with the other Masteries seems like it would be a terrible idea. I don't think Ethereal Strikes requires anything more than a straight buff as it'll be mainly good for PVP and balanced enough to be used in PVE for certain scenarios. Steady Strikes on the other hand would need its own identity with a Secondary perk if possible.
TL;DR #2: Please also look into the equivalent Masteries for the Rogues as they would more or less be in the same situation. It's actually worse for them with their Timed Focus which is the equivalent of Deliberate Strikes because their explosion takes place every 5 attacks instead of 3 like the Warriors and the scaling on it is even worse. Yes, they run on 1s GCD, but Warriors also have 1s GCD in Paragon which is where Deliberate Strikes is being mainly used. My Deliberate Strikes is almost 25% or more above an equivalent Rogue's Timed Focus simply because I can pop 5 before they can pop 3 and 1 of my 5 is stronger than their 1 of their 3. In terms of Calling to Calling balance, it's off, but their Timed Focus may be more normalised with their other Masteries. I'm not the Rogue expert, so...
Mastery Discussion
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