From my perspective Conquest needs an overhaul.
First off we need a better map, that has more locations of strategic importance. In a perfect world destructible walls and siege warfare would also be a part of the mode, but engine limitations could make that difficult to implement.
Once we have a more strategic map, we need more organization. Large Scale PvP without organization is as epic as chicken running around in a farm. For organized PvP a commander mode would be the next best thing to premades that meet in voice chat anyway. Pretty much all high profile large scale PvP games have some sort of commander mode. That commander needs an easy to use command wheel for making assignments and giving orders and eventually even has voice chat on top.
So overall a more strategic map and more organization via a commander mode would be the key for epic, state of the art, large scale PvP. And Rift beeing a MMO it also all comes down to the rewards at the end of the day.
Conquest could and should become one of the main driving forces for Rift.
Ideas for Conquest 2.0
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