dimanche 27 septembre 2015

the death rattle of Rift? removal of features

Due to serious real life issues which means I have to plan relocation to a new country within two years, I have suspended YouTubing for a bit, but I am an avid fan of these forums and many MMORPG's. I tend to hang around the mmo-champion and Rift General Discussions and only occasionally venture into the other parts.

Trion is beginning to remove features from the game - the mobile app - due to an apparent lack of resources to support it.

Rift Mobile App will be discontinued in 3.4

What I don't think Trion comprehends is this clearly suggests to the Rift population that the game is definitely in trouble and declining.

They can profess all they want that it's doing well. Removing a feature like this after initially assuring that they will fix it negates whatever they said.

I understand their motivation for saying "all is well" because fans of a particular game invest time in their characters, and more importantly invest money in them.

Personally, I feel this is a downward spiral that won't end well - especially with Wildstar coming out in a few days time. That is one of the closest PvE games to Rift.

I am not saying "this game will kill this" as I expect you can keep a game on life-support for a long time, but it's pretty darn obvious that more and more people are leaving and for some reason the recent F2P offerings and new expansion like ESO, GW2, Wildstar are rapidly chipping at the Rift playerbase.

People stick to an MMO because of community and when the community makes that decision that the game is failing, the exodus of players increases. No-one enjoys spending money on a sinking ship. From my experience MMORPG players move in waves. They do what their in-game friends do.

Removing features in a game does not instill confidence that "all is well" in a community.

the death rattle of Rift? removal of features

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