samedi 2 juillet 2016

Avoid Channeling Interruption?


I'll cut straight to the point...
With my Mage, I have a DD spec that has multiple macros which activate Internalize Charge whenever available (no GCD, 3 sec CD, instant, so of course I want it whenever it's ready).

This works nicely and is a neat boost to my DPS - and to my nerves - because I don't have to keep an eye on Internalize Charge all the time... except for when I use channeled stuff like Flame Volley.

There are occasions where Internalize Charge becomes available right after I use Flame Volley, meaning if I press my macro for Flame Volley just a tiny bit too long, it will interrupt the Flame Volley channel to fire the Internalize Charge line.

This is obviously very annoying, so I would like to tell the macro to not do that, to not fire that Internalize Charge line while I'm still channeling Flame Volley.

But I don't know how.
Please, can someone help me?
I'd be very grateful.


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Avoid Channeling Interruption?

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